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 Photo I.Diadina
 Photo V.Diktanas
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Information, unessential to reading here lays. But time you have glanced here, esteem - she will not be superfluous. Well I have not invented other place for her...

You can is in any place (I have in view of a planet Earth) and to order to itself our item. Unfortunately, the transfer by mail of products from gold and silver is prohibited. Therefore, you need or itself to arrive behind a product or to call one of us for manufacture of a product on a place. The payment of expenses in such case is necessary for coordinating beforehand.

The page was developed for Microsoft Internet Explorer of version 5.0, resolution - 1024x768, colors - 256. The Opera's (and Netscape) owners can see my page "carelessly". It is not my fault, - brouser's. Especially concerns the 16-bit versions. Internet Explorer reproduce all in that kind, what I achieved. Minimum parameters: Microsoft Windows 95, Internet Explorer 4.0, resoliution 800x600, color 256.
Why my site is required to be looked through only Microsoft Internet Explorer? Very simply - for want of site construction I used "rigid" binding of sizes of the tables. To these modern standards - W3C - corresponds only MSIE from 4.0. For such browsers, as Netcape, Opera etc. instruction of a breadth and height of the table no more, than wish and the outcome is received pitiable.

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